22 March 2009

Kevin and Lindsey Engagement Pictures

Tim & Mary's Wedding

March 21, 2009
Tim & Mary here is a preview of your wedding pictures. We had a great time shooting your wedding. The weather was great and the church was beautiful. Enjoy your honeymoon!

16 March 2009

New Backdrop!

Here is a preview of our new backdrop and Landon's 5 month pictures! Enjoy!

Attention Seniors!

We are looking for 2010 Senior Models. So if you know of anyone that would be a good candidate, e-mail us a photo and  your contact information including your high school at www.davynphotography@yahoo.com . Spots are limited, so hurry! Deadline to submit photos is April 11, 2009. Models receive a free session and proof book. Here is a preview of our latest session.

Just an Update!

Hi everyone! We just finished the Women's/ Bridal Expo this weekend. It was great our new booth looked awesome. The word is that our booth was on Wood TV on Saturday evening?!?
Also, we have officially launched our new website be sure to check it out and let us know what you think.

07 March 2009

Jason & Michelle Wedding

We finally had a winter wedding with some snow on the ground. Thanks to Jason & Michelle for braving the cold weather. We had a great time, here is a preview.